Skills Builder Training Videos
Sign Up & Log In/Out Help
To Sign Up:
1. Go to the Skills Builder Operator Training page.
2. Scroll down and press the blue Sign Up button to register for membership.
3. Complete the Sign Up request form, then press the blue submit button.
4. Your request for Skills Builder will be authorized and verified as soon as possible.
To Log In:
1. After you have signed up, go to Skills Builder Operator Training.
2. Scroll down to press the “Log in / Log out” blue button or click on any video training topic.
3. In the Log In window, use the email and password you used to sign up.
4. If you do not remember the password used when you signed up, create a new one from the Log In window. You will automatically be sent an email verifying you requested to reset your password.
5. When you log in, you will be able to access all operator Training Videos until you log out.
6. The Advanced Maintenance Videos require a different password.
For access, please call the Alliance 24 hour customer service at 509 535-0356 for verification.
To Log Out:
1. If you are logged in, go to Skills Builder Operator Training
2. Scroll down and press the blue button “Hello".
3. A “Log out” window will appear, press on it.
Copyright © 2021 Alliance Machine Systems International, LLC