Regional Sales Managers
Contacts for Europe / Asia / Africa / Australia

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Nearest Manager's
Alliance regional sales managers are available at customer locations worldwide.
They are knowledgeable experts who offer assessments and opportunities to improve cost-effective production from corrugated box manufacturing machines.
Dirk Mermans
China / Hong Kong / Indonesia / Thailand / Japan / Singapore / Malaysia / Vietnam / Philipines / Nonallocated Areas
Director of Sales and Marketing
Alliance Machine Systems Europe,BV
Muggenhool 3
5531 RZ Bladel, Holland
Phone: +31 (0)497 36 2500
Fax: +31 (0)497 36 2510
Mobile: +31 (0)622 57 0663
John van Rooij
Saudi Arabia / United Arab Emirates / Scandinavia / Poland / Iceland / Italy / Russia / Belorussia / Moldavia / Kazakhstan / Israel / Egypt / Lebanon
Alliance Machine Systems Europe, BV
Muggenhool 3
5531 RZ Bladel, Holland
Phone: +31 (0)497 36 2500
Fax: +31 (0)497 36 2510
Mobile:+31 (0)622 607509
Paul Corris
United Kingdom & Eire / South Africa
C-TEC Systems Ltd.
Massey Street Business Center
2 George Street
Alderley Edge
Cheshire, United Kingdom SK9 2EJ
Phone: +44 (0) 1625 590099
Mobile: +44 (0) 7860 236945
Norman Clark
Australia / New Zeland
Packaging Adhesive Equipment Consultants & Solutions Pty Ltd65 Browns Dip roadEnoggera, QLD 4051 Australia
T: +61 7 3855 3909
F: +61 7 3251 0584
M: +61 408 621 662
Jos'e Manuel Esteban
Balmes 351, 2-3
08006 Barcelona, Spain
Office phone: +34 934 174 780
Mobile: +34 607 480 765
Carlos Esteban
Balmes 351, 2-3
08006 Barcelona, Spain
Office phone: +34 934 174 780
Mobile: +34 934 174 780